Sometimes, being a cat owner might be frustrating as we have to face their odd and mischief behavior. Training a cat in the right way can be a good solution for you and your cat. This is because if we think that our cat are doing the wrong things, the cats might be thinking that they are doing the right things or maybe they are trying to tell us something.
Here are some tips to train your cat:
1) Your cat forgot to use their litter box
This is a common mistake done by them. Cats are actually sensitive to odor and love their surrounding to be clean. Hence we should make sure that their litter box is always clean from their poops and odor. Litter box is made from plastic and it can retain odor, baking soda and hydrogen peroxide
are one of the most effective and affordable detergent that we can use to remove odor from their litter box.
are one of the most effective and affordable detergent that we can use to remove odor from their litter box.
Another reason why your cat did not use their litter box is maybe they find a new spot that is more comfortable for them to do their mission. Commonly, they will use their chosen spot for several time even if we clean it in many ways. Putting their toys or food on their chosen spot might stop them from doing the same thing again. You can do this for one to two weeks, after that you change everything as usual.
2) Scratching and clawing
Surprisingly, scratching and clawing is one of the ways that your cats use to show their love to you!! Scratching and clawing is good for your cat, it can help their shoulder and legs stronger and cleaning their nails as well. It is also the sign to mark their territory. But this is really troublesome especially if they are scratching on your beloved sofa, curtain or rug.
Providing them their own scratching places is a good approach to train a cat. There are a lot of choices of scratching tools in the pet store. Make sure to observe how your cats love to do the scratching either vertical or horizontal, this is just to serve them with what they really like.
There will be high a possibilities that your cat will still scratching at their old precious spot, this is because cat doesn’t like changes in their surrounding. We can place the scratching tools near to the place your cat love to scratch. The usage of catnip will also attract them to it. Besides that, you also can make your cat hate their precious spot with the aid of double sided tape, just tape it on the scratching target and let your cat scratch for the last time. But you have to firstly make sure it won’t ruin your furniture!!
3) Lesson for misbehaving
Cat can be so tamed towards its owner. This kind of impression happened because they have gaining their trust to the owner. However, this kind of trust might contribute to their misbehaving manners as well.
Giving them lesson by punishing them basically will cause their misbehaving even worse. Your cat might be confused with your action since they don’t know that they are doing a wrong thing. Hence, giving them a warning with the help of spray bottle and cold water might be helpful. Cats really hate the squirt so much. Squirting them when they are doing their misbehaving activities might warn them that they should stop whatever things that they are messing with.
Training a cat to be more polite and friendly is a good thing for both pet and owner. Just remember not to use violence to your cat as the solution to warn their wrong doing or else their behavior might become worse. For more information and tips for cat training,Click Here!
Training a cat to be more polite and friendly is a good thing for both pet and owner. Just remember not to use violence to your cat as the solution to warn their wrong doing or else their behavior might become worse. For more information and tips for cat training,Click Here!
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